Hello World
Evan Frawley
May 28, 2020
1m read
— views
This is the initial post of evan.gg
This personal site is built using:
- React (my perferred method of web dev)
- Next.js (framework) & Vercel (hosting)
- theme-ui (theme-able, responsive, CSS-in-JS based UI library)
- mdx (for posts like this)
- next-mdx-enhanced (so I can do some advanced markdown)
- prettier (for my sanity)
- MDX Prism Syntax Highlighting (for dank syntax highlighting in my writings)
- MDX emoji plugin (ability to do 😄 and 🔥 on the site)
- Inter font and DankMono font (my favorite fonts)
- Favicon.io (generate the favicon)
If you're interested about how I built it, let me know and maybe I'll write about it! 😁
The source code for this site can be found here.